Five Actions to Take During Our National Emergency
It’s been just over 24 hours since President Trump declared our National Emergency. Many of us are left wondering what does it mean? What can I do?
One thing we can do is convert our worry and anxiety into action! This is what Americans have always done during times of national crisis. To help us out, I’ve gone back to look at what actions patriotic Americans have taken in the past. Here are five actions we can take right now:
- Share the meat as a wartime necessity
During World War II Americans were encouraged to forego meat as a regular meal item — to cut back so our government could serve the needs of our troops. Now, while there are fewer men and women in uniform protecting our southern border from attack, why wait until the demand becomes acute. We can start now! And for the truly patriotic we can also give up dairy, and other animal products, and adopt a plant-based diet.

2. Fuel oil conservation
During World War II, our war fighters’ lives depended on a reliable and consistence supply of fuel oil. We can do our part by combining trips, carpooling, or even not driving at all. In urban areas use mass transit or ride a bicycle. Turn down your thermostat and replace and lingering incandescent light bulbs with LEDs and you’ll be doing your part during this National Emergency.
3. Volunteer for victory
Those of us remaining on the home front still have a job to do. Find a local organization and participate in stream cleanups to protect our precious waterways. Many municipalities have adopt-a-spot or adopt-a-street programs where you can clean up trash thus keeping litter out of our rivers and restoring civic pride. Offer your muscle power. This is one way we can show our support for our brave men and women defending our borders.
4. Save scrap for victory!
Don’t throw that into the landfill! Instead, recycle everything you can and start composting. Our nation depends on the frugalness of its patriotic citizens and our nation needs all the reclaimed resources it can get. And if it can’t be recycled, reuse it. And if its a one-time use item, like a plastic straw, refuse it from the start! Natural resources are harder to come by and some even come from other countries like Venezuela! So, save your cans and bottles (and paper and cardboard and so on) and be sure to recycle.
5. Remember, loose lips sink ships
And they also trigger Russian troll bots. Do not share rumors or misleading information, especially on Twitter and FaceBook. Misleading your fellow Americans is positively un-patriotic and only serves our enemies!
For more tips and ideas, check out your local Library or Congress.